A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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THREE VERSES is an adventure game / first person dungeoncrawler / typing game based on poetry. Having shed your corporeal form, you must now escape purgatory by completing the simple task of delivering verses from deities to struggling poets.

complete OST
promo prints

THREE VERSES  was completed in a little under two months
as an entry into LSDJAM 2023.

Game designed by Fainting Room JV:

wayne (https://twitter.com/kernelfusion)
desktop_trash (https://twitter.com/desktop_trash)
sphere (https://twitter.com/pinkosand)

Music composed by:

Gecko Afterlife (https://twitter.com/geck0afterlife)
intro tunes by sphere
gargoyle battle tunes by desktop_trash

“DialogueManager” designed by:

Nathan Hoad (https://github.com/nathanhoad/godot_dialogue_manager)

Support/Special Thanks:

Ellis (https://twitter.com/Spectrathegame)
cdbunker2 (https://twitter.com/cdbunker2
Dean (https://twitter.com/sonofdadkiller)
Digital Tchotchkes (https://twitter.com/FaceOffOnVHS)
dosogy (https://twitter.com/DDosogy)
Figglewatts (https://twitter.com/Figglewatts)
nikki kalpa (https://twitter.com/TheFifthKalpa
stickyfr0gg (https://twitter.com/stickyfr0gg)
Z smith (https://twitter.com/shadowgate64fan
Roadside Love Hostess (https://twitter.com/frostyham2)
walkedoutneimans (https://twitter.com/tweekwurld)

SFX from

  • “Spectacular Sound Effects: Fun! With Sound Effects Vol. I” (SECA 5503)
  • Some of sphere’s demo sound tapes (victoria falls stillwater)

Also some lifted &edited (shhhh) from chameleon twist (rest in peace jp system supply)


i would have a stroke if i had to track down each of these used


Writing was probably the most difficult thing to do confidently in such a short period of time. Grinding out a silly looking guy in blender is a day’s work, and the recognition of whether it ‘works’ is more or less immediate. But for a game based on poetry, i could not for the life of me write a line that i felt was good enough to keep in the game. Since there was so much else to do, and we had just under two months to do it, i decided it was probably best to stick with works which i knew for sure already ‘worked.’ so as i went thru my bookshelf to find stanzas that stuck with me, it felt right when i noticed three verses from three different authors which adapted John 1:1: “in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god.” i thought, ‘ oh yea, this is a game about gods and words.’

So the writings used for the poets, more or less verbatim, are as follows:

Ashley, Robert. Perfect Lives: an opera, Burning Books, 1991 (orig. 1983).

Borrowable digital print available here: https://archive.org/details/perfectlivesoper0000ashl/mode/2up

This libretto is for the television opera aired on BBC4 in 1984: 


excerpt 1: “The Park,” p. 7.

Appears as Side A of Private Parts (1977):

excerpt 2: “The Bar,” p. 63.

Also produced as an LP (1980):

Several of my favorite pieces of written and recorded media have come from this sprawling and often confusing opera. I consider it the single most influential art i have encountered, first finding it as a poet, carrying its lessons into making music, and now into game development (failing miserably each time). My personal recommendation is to begin with the 1977 record. If you like it a lot, you’ll be able to appreciate the strange operatic voice ashley uses for the rest of his career. I still prefer the pieces in his ‘speaking voice’ register personally, but the television opera itself is fantastic. Secondary recommendations from him are the wolf man for nice saturated tape noise, ‘...there were men and there were women’ for a repetitive spoken piece, and automatic writing for quiet ambience. See also blue gene tyranny, who composed most of the music for ashley’s work during this time period.

Gysin, Brion. “Permuted Poems, c. 1970.” PERMUTATIONS, DABA, 2022. p. 57-68.

A particularly long permutation. For more information on permutation poems, both historical and 

algorithmic studies, see https://davidpocknee.ricercata.org/gysin/

Gysin is still a little hard for me to pin down lol. I don’t think a lot of his writing was truly brilliant, and he seemed like a bit of an asshole, but he was an unconventional thinker & the sheer volume of his creative output means that lightning must have struck at least a few times. That sounds harsh, but i’ve read, well, most of his work – which i can’t really say about a lot of authors. I found this really gorgeous collection of his permutation poems while i was editing a manuscript of an informal biography written about gysin. (I don’t know if that manuscript will ever see the light of day). Amid the swathes  nontraditional, sound, & visual poetry that came after it, i think that the permutations (at their best) are nice selections of vernacular english.

H.D. (Hilda Doolittle). “The Walls Do Not Fall: 10.” Trilogy, New Directions, 1998 (orig. 1973), p. 17.

Probably the piece that takes most seriously its biblical source material, & the only piece of the three used that i would consider traditional poetry. i have always loved HD’s trilogy.

If you got the best ending (ie the one that starts back in the hotel), you will have read a short poem adapted from a stray memorable line in Bruno Schulz’s Street of Crocodiles

Updated 23 hours ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(55 total ratings)
Authorssphere, kernelfusion, desktop_trash
GenreAdventure, Role Playing
TagsDungeon Crawler, First-Person, Typing


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Love the game and the vibe but i don't get where i must use last verse 


Very fun, had a great time. this are the kinds of vibes i need more often, thanks :3


Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

I've had some problems with running the game, when I click on the launcher I only get black screen and background music.
Could anyone help me fix this pretty please?
Do I need to do a software update or is it just my PC can't run the game? (No graphics card).


Itch randomly recommended this to me and I'm so glad it did. Loved the game so much. I was too dumb to get the story :P but really liked the art style and gameplay. The Gargoyle fights were fun and I like the Japanese fish man. Looking forward to what you make next.


I vibed with this game and loved the mystery from beginning to end. I wished there were more. Great game. Fantastic. 


thank you :) <3


Killer atmosphere and fascinating implementation of the poetic source material. Lovely soundtrack, too- love the early Tsukasa Masuko treatment for the battle theme. Great game.


much appreciated :) was playing smt1 recently and thinking about our fight theme. desktop_trash made both the battle mechanics and the battle music; she totally nailed it


Very cool game with a good atmosphere :)


This was a pretty good and well designed game. I enjoyed playing it and look forward to anything else that you create in the future


thanks for playing, and for the kind words <3


What a trip. Such an amazing game. Thank you for this otherworldly experience


thank u angel kero <3

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, I don't find out a copy of Permutations, DABA, so I use The Third Mind(1978) instead. Although I know the phrase needed for the shopkeeper in game, I'm not sure about its source. The short story "The Death of Mrs. D" of The Third Mind seems close to the original text or the written time 1970. If you can indicate the corresponding page number in The Third Mind, I would appreciate it.


The Third Mind doesn't contain the unabridged permutation. I took some quick photo scans and uploaded them here.


I get the line, I guess. Thanks! The original answer seems appended to the line 494, whereas the question is same as the line 493. Meanwhile, there is an episode that both sentences are not unique, I find extra identical lines in the second paragraph of the scan page 4.



There's no save function (didnt have time hehe). I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)


Such an amazing and creative game!! The tab organizer is such a fun gameplay mechanic. IMPECCABLE vibes all around, you all absolutely killed it on this project. also silly fishman hehehehe


absolute banger of a game. i had the most fun in the gargoyle rpg fights. A sequel to this game would be awesome. I was only able to find ending 2 on my own. ending 4 was hilarious. very esoteric game for such a short and chill experience


Thank you ! @desktop_trash made the gargoyle battles. Our next project we've discussed working on together is a more straightforward RPG, so if nothing else you will one day have a spiritual sequel <3


Having a sort of notepad to write on in-game is a neat idea.

I'm glad you think so! I think I will try to expand that idea more in the next thing I work on. there was something that felt nice about it, like etrian odyssey or phantom hourglass maps on the DS. one of my favorite parts of watching playthroughs was seeing how people used the notepad.


Great game I really enjoyed the ideas coming through and the music was such a vibe !!! Thank you

thanks so much :)


really cool!


Wow, this is sick!! The music, the atmosphere. Also fishing typing game is fun :)


ooo such inspiring style, thank for the ideas ✨

thank you my friend <3


Really enjoyed this and looking forward to your future works.


The atmosphere of the film was irresistible!
I really like the town of Purgatory, the sky with all the power lines, the trains running in the distance, and the strange people and buildings!
The combat was fast-paced, cool music and pleasant sound effects were exhilarating and fun!
It was a very good and enjoyable piece of work, MEOW!

it was a joy seeing you play, tsuneko!! <3


What a time!! This game is just fantastic! I'm just at one ending achieved, and hoping to update this message once I gather the rest. The music track for the plant/sewer area blew my mind, I just love it so so much. Thank you!

Oh hell yeah, I had to get that track for the part I made; it's one of my favorites Gecko has ever done. it's called rosicurian crosses.

(2 edits) (+2)

Absolutely loved this game!

It's very interesting and unique. I didn't get a chance to use my Protection item from the river unfortunately lol.

Also, I liked the tree verse, it had me confused but I felt smart when I figured it out, but it was probably obvious lmao.


i think one of the last things i added was that transformation cutscene where the building turns into a tree LOL, so that's definitely an area i have had trouble making clear ;)


Loved this game! Streamed my playthrough to friends over Discord and we all had a blast. Also, I LOVED going through the different literary resources online and trying to use the clues in the books/websites to find different endings. I felt like a detective! I was able to find four endings, and I am curious if there is more; it seems like there are possibly some mysteries still unsolved with this game, which is very exciting to think about. I'm thinking about making a video about my experience with the game, but have not yet started the process; in any case, I wanted to thank everyone who worked on the game for creating such a fun and intriguing game!


wow, that's actually amazing to hear! glad you enjoyed the trip!! you got all the endings, and thanks a lot for the love :) will be looking forward to the vid if you get a chance to make it!!


Thank you for your reply! I was able to create a review for the game if anyone is interested!


Thank you so much! That was a very comprehensive playthrough - I'm glad you had fun and it was great seeing you use the online literary resources as well :) shared your video here on my twitter. i couldn't find your twt acc, let me know if you have one and i can tag you haha https://twitter.com/kernelfusion/status/1766747133938466985


I'm glad you liked it! :) Thank you for sharing my video and a tag in your post would be awesome! I appreciate it immensely. I recently started this account, so it is pretty barren, but a link to my Twitter account can be found here: https://twitter.com/Droll_Gaming

Thanks again! 😁


Super enjoyable. I love words and how the team worked that into the gargoyle fights (even though substation garg > bathroom garg, all day). Tragically, I couldn't finish the game because something may have happened with the cashier like someone else mentioned below. I plan on playing it again - don't fret too much. I might have missed something in my tab org notes on this first playthrough. Or I'm just not clever enough to help the cashier, lol. All in all, keep it up.


so glad you enjoyed!! one tip is that you never have to "unlock" the verses, so if you know them, you can directly give them to the poets. feel free to mess around and see if you can find anything new :) hopefully not a game breaking bug haha


That is very convenient! Thanks and will most definitely exploit that when I jump back in \m/


i finished this a few hours ago, but ive been rotating this game in my mind since then, like those rotating gifs of food. im being completely honest when i say this is going on my list of my favorite games ive played. i think everything just falls into place here, with the atmosphere and the soundtrack, paired with the combat system, and deciding to make the game typing dependent feels like it compliments and wraps it up very nicely. this is one of those rare games you find where literally everything in it just scratches that itch in your brain. very well done.


truly honored to read this. i'm glad it clicks for you; we put a lot of ourselves into this lil game. thank you for playing & sharing your thoughts :)


what a wonderful message.. thank you, really happy to hear you enjoyed the game so much :)


really wonderful- great atmosphere and music- I enjoyed it thoroughly 

high praise from the GOAT herself :')

(7 edits) (+2)
  • Great soundtracks, reminded me of High on Life. 
  • Unexpected but really fun battle system. Really enjoyed it, wished there were more mechanics and enemies with different types of behaviors, and I could see enemy HP. 

Considering this is a jam game made in a limited time, I would say 9/10. Well done! :)


thank you so much! :)


Had a blast playing this, great atmosphere and it had me creeped out and laughing at certain points. I must say though, were the repeated words in some sentences intentional? They felt a little off, especially in something as poetic as this game? Also the music in the hotel is a little jarring. Besides those minor nitpicks, really fun experience and very well crafted for something made during a jam!


thank you so much :)

they might've been intentional -- the cashier's dialogue, for instance, kind of reads like a typo, because he's reciting a permutation poem (or reading from all possible permutations of words in a given sentence)

the idea was that this might be a hint for the verse he needed, as his is one that isn't exactly grammatically sound.

but i've heard the confusion sentiment from a few folks, so i must chalk that up to an experiment that didn't quite pan out correctly ;-)

thank you for your kind words & feedback, & for playing our little game. <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Ahh I see, thank you for clearing it up! Keep creating crazy cool stuff!


we will do our best! thanks again for your thoughts :)


much to think about


so much to wonder


A great vibes game. Play it, and have a fun time wandering Purgatory.


thank you!!


incredible collab!!!!


more to come, keep an eye out!!


so awesome <3


thank you so much!! :) <3


Loved it


so glad you enjoyed!! 


Absolutely beautiful experience


appreciate it so much!!